In the beginning of 1984 Winston horizon that there were things that he knew to be rightful(a) and that the party and enormous blood brother couldnt change. However, when he was taken to the Ministry of Love, he learned that the party could change the way he thought. In the beginning he had memories of his childhood. He said that he knows that 2 + 2 = 4 and they can not change that. He thought that as long as he remembered what it was homogeneous onward oversize pal took carry and he knew things that would neer change, then he would still be in verify of his mind. After he was arrested and taken to the Ministry of Love, he was cursed and they endeavour to change him but at first he resisted and after(prenominal) his torture he still hated plumping Brother. He was taken to room 101 where he was forced to buttock his whip fear, and he eventu everyy gave in. He told them to put the rats on Julia, when before they were arrested, he said he loved her and he would nev er leave her. Once he was released from the Ministry of Love, he was nude of all the feelings and emotions he had before. When he saw Julia, he had no feelings for her anymore. When he was sitting there thinking, he started to remember when he was jr. and he played a game with his gravel and his sister.

and so he said it was false memory and that it didnt authentically happen. Big Brother took away his memory. He took away the things that Winston thought would concur him in control of his mind. When he was sitting in the chestnut Tree Cafe he wrote 2 + 2 = 5 with his finger in the dust on the table. That showed that Big Brother changed what he knew was t! rue and what he thought Big Brother would never be able to change. If you want to stick nigh a full essay, order it on our website:
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