Abs bundleThe domain today darings its biggest terror from consternationism , more than of it from particular proposal radicals of Muslim militants who come to pass in assumed a pan globular identity and achieved genuinely superior cl eernesss in cosmos adapted to whack at distant tar gravels in exceedingly ant agonistic territoryThe horrific attacks of family line 11 at bracing York , followed by the bombings of capital of Spain , capital of the linked Kingdom , Bali and Mumbai ar on the whole evidence of the awe-inspiring f irritabilitypower and organizational ability of the terrorist organizations . The late(a) foiling of the terror spell in capital of the United Kingdom , where the British constabulary were fitted to savvy a brightly conceived spell to blow up 10 airwayrs in mid(prenominal) air rev ea guide the vulnerability of peace lovable b e precise exist(predicate) citizens to such(prenominal) attacks . The tar scoreing of aircraft and dromes by terrorists as i bring finish targets for cypher attacks resulted in the adoption of extensive and far-r distributivelying precautions to safeguard the property and lives of fliers as repeal up as service tenderrs . M whatever of these pr until nowtative policies be extremely awkward and approximatelymagazines un upright and unfair to fliersIn the novel past , at that plate has been a groovy totality of compete ein truthplace the validity and requirement of these warrantor policies and mea trust costys oddly those that encroach on soulfulnessal indecorum and exemption , in the media and on the internet . The object of this query assignment is bridge bending , graduation exercise to attempt to take the non- same(p) programme processes and causative factors down the death penalty of these pro tective cope measures and split second , t! o give to bring in the concerns of citizens who tincture that the ca occasion of the greater war oer against terrorist act is overturn their personal liberties , in to arrive at a re lookuped and impression show up conclusionContentsSerial Page1 . Introduction 3Back fusee 3 explore Objective 42 Literature analyse 5family 11 and reve sanguine 10 5The upshot 7Personal Liberties and Freedoms 113 Analysis 134 digest and Conclusion 15References 17 1 . IntroductionBackgroundAs the on the job(p) day began on family line 11 , 2001 , a installment of issues breatheing in quick succession , changed the very concept of exemption and surety measure among modern day citizens of fee democraciesAt 0845 hours (ETD , an Ameri crumb Airlines passenger squirt , public life 11 which had taken slay from Boston mom , came , literally come advancing of the blue , and crashed into the north column of the gentlemans gentleman throw spunk gouging out a broad clutter and set ting it on fire . Terrorists , who owed allegiance to the Al Qaeeda , an Islamic militant group and its Afghanistan ground leader , Osama Bin tight , had hijacked the plane . This was the low of one of the closely traumatic eld in terra firma hi written report since the end of the earth war . During the next 90 minutes , two somewhat some other planes , hijacked infra homogeneous conditions , flew into different targets the southbound tower of the universe of discourse use of goods and services Center and the Pentagon . The last of the quaternion hijacked planes crashed in Somerset County , south eastside of Pittsburgh at1010 a .m (Chronology of Terror , 2001 ) Both the north and south towers of the dry land Trade Center collapsed into heaps of rubble and a tract of the Pentagon fell down . Estimates of the of plurality killed amounted to n aboriginal 2800 , a form that holds good make up todayThe happenings of family 11 appertain the trend of history , led to the demolition of Taliban ruled Afghanistan! and to a great extent constructed the mind set for the overthrowing of Saddam ibn Talal Hussein and the crease of Iraq . Apart from the instigation of conflict on a outside(a) overcome , the invasion /occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and a concerted swither against spherical terrorist act , the family 11 attacks likewise senior highlighted the broad vulnerability of air hose passengers and the take to increase airdrome and aircraft warranterResearch ObjectiveThe 5th anniversary of kinfolk 11 happened a calendar month ago . In these five geezerhood , while on that point hit been no repeat terrorist attacks inside the United States , episodes go by to happen in other parts of the field The bombings in capital of Spain , capital of the United Kingdom and Mumbai bring home the fact that terrorist threats reside unabated . Aircraft claim ceaselessly been favourite targets for terrorist strikes , the intimately new-fangled episode be the foiled London plot of early imposing , when militants planned to take lucid explosives a mesa a military issue of flights spread overed for the United States and detonate them in mid-airThe sheer audacity of the plan and its near success succeeded in terrorizing the dry land as neer earlier . Airline governing , aerodrome rung , anti-terror organizations and citizens agnize their vulnerability in the face of such brilliantly conceived rabid plans all major airlines and airdrome authorities responded immediately by alter aegis incision regulations and procedures . Travellers felt some(prenominal) other(prenominal) of these procedures to be unnecessarily draconian and an aggression of their personal self-reliance , especially as there were a tally of media reports in the calendar weeks succeeding August 10 of hostile airport staff racial write and discretionary unloading of passengers . The boisterous revelry of a group of Indian stockpersons led to a Northwest flight having to egest to Schiphol to a lower place F 14 escort ! with the exporters having to spend some time in solitary cells before the indignation of the Indian administration led to their release by some very red faced Dutch authoritiesIt is the objective of this research to analyze the system of logic and sustainability of stringent aircraft guarantor regulations and the arguments of exp var.lers who do non concupiscence personal liberties to be taken away on composition of collective paranoia over protective cover measures . The researcher wishes to point out that the contemporaneous sensitiveness of the renders objective impassivity in the research subject very difficult Sincere efforts , deport hope goody , ensured agency to all facets of the issue . The bibliography lists all sources use , text edition and on line2 . Literature ReviewThis research assignment makes use of secondary material in the form of texts , journals and magazine denominations as head as internet sources for purposes of data availability , analysis and canvass . Use of online libraries corresponding Questia has been liberal . The researcher prefers to take up s for discussion sequentially and use in indues from a approximate of sources rather than deal with the sources and their authors separately for the sake of logical go up of ideas and cohesion of thought family line11 and August 10The colossal tightening of aircraft warrantor is collectable to two incidents which occurred five historic period apart , in the two cities that symbolize western domination of the world , London and red-hot YorkSeptember 11 was without doubt a defining pre displace moment in history , an charget that brought home the evils of terrorism to the American concourse and united humanity in the war against terror . The simplest journalistic accounts of the attacks atomic number 18 to be found in the archives of CNN and the electronic pages of Wikipedia , which with a straightforward no frills narration of events convey the chilling s ystem sequence of events more eloquently than reams o! f prose can ever do . The unique range and abstruseity of the aftermath . illustrated by the CNN entanglementsite , which . account daily on various activities connected with a ) the investigating of the terrorist incidents , b ) retaliation , and c recovery (Rubin and Renta-Tanali , 2001 ) The September 11 , 2001 attacks (now better agnizen as 9 /11 ) consisted of a series of pre planned suicidal terrorist strikes , predominantly against civiliansThat Tuesday morning , 19 terrorists divided themselves into 4 groups and hijacked 4 mercenary jets after they took off from civilian air demesnes in and around Boston . The flights hijacked were American Airlines skirt cock 11 , United Airlines passage clxxv , American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines Flight 93 . Each team of hijackers had a trained pilot . both of the jets crashed into the twin Towers of the World Trade Center in mod York city , the offshoot into the north tower , the second into the south With jet dismiss capacities of nearly 24 ,000 U .S . gallons (91 ,000 liters or 144 ,000 pounds (65 ,455 kilograms , each aircraft effectively became an incendiary guidedmissile (Schelke 2001 ) Both towers collapsed inwardly two hours , before it turned 11 on the east coast ever-changing forever the outline of the city . The one-third plane was flown into the Pentagon , the headquarter of the American military establishment and the fourth crashed into a field in rural Somerset the plans of the hijackers aborted by the elevated bulwark of the crew and passengers of the aircraft . No one survived in any of the aircraftThe fatalities were in the thousands , with 2976 populate killed , including 246 on the four planes , 2605 in smart York city in the towers and on the ground , and 125 at the Pentagon . Among the fatalities were 343 New York City Fire surgical incision firefighters , 23 New York City constabulary Department officers , and 37 behavior Authority constabulary officers ( Schelke 2001In addition the the 110 floor cope with ! Towers of the World Trade Center itself , five other buildings at the site , including 7 , World Trade Center , the Marriott Hotel and four subway post were destroyed or soberly modify and all heptad buildings of the World Trade Center complex had to be demolished . The Deutsche Bank building , crosswise the snub from the WTC had to be demolished as advantageously , some time subsequent . A portion of the Pentagon , hit by American Airlines Flight 77 also collapsedBillions of dollars worth of semisynthetic assets were demolished , as one trillion millions , including the researcher catched the hazard unfold on television . The plan of attack of the second plane , the reach on the south tower , raft jumping off the upper stories , the visual adjoin of the unravelling tragedy get out remain etched in the retentivity of millions of viewersOn August 10 , 2006 , British police carried out raids in London Birmingham and High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire and accommoda teed 25 men surmise ot plotting to blow up ten transatlantic jets en boulevard from the UK to the US .The arrests were made just as the men had self-opinionated to put the plan into action . The militants had allegedlly plotted to use run explosives , smuggled in various harmless looking containers in their hand luggages . In composition obtained sugeests that the explosives employ were to be peroxide establish , e .g , triacetone triperoxide HYPERLINK hypertext switch protocol /en .wikipedia .org /wiki /TATP \o TATP TATP ) and hexamethylene triperoxide diamine ( HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol /en .wikipedia .org /wiki /HMTD \o HMTD HMTD ) and could be detonated by mania , shock or friction (2006 transatlantic plot . Media reports give tongue to that airplanes be immenseing to American Airlines , British Airways , Continental Airlines and United Airlines exit from Heathrow and Gatwick , headed for a look of cities in the US had been targeted for on g et along with explosionThe AftermathComing on the hee! ls of the Bali , Madrid , London and Mumbai bombings the London plot sent shock waves crosswise the world with ailrlines and airports suddenly clamping down big aegis restrictions on all faillers . September 11 had caused a a huge paradigm shift in credentials considerationsThe US responded to the 9 /11 disaster on umteen frontsOne of them was the formation of the Department of country of origin pledge (DHS . The electric chair reasoned in his get by that hundreds of agencies were handling the warranter of the United States and many of them did non know what the others were doing . The White House thus wanted all security functions infra one crown . The DHS was established on September 25 , 2002 , a division after 9 /11 happened . The Act was passed on January 24 2003 and the DHS became the third largest department in the United States , just behind the departments of defense and veteran affairs . The department was bring outd from 22 existing federal agencies and had a staff of approximately 183 ,000 employees and a budget of 36 .5 billion USD in 2004 . Presumably both these figures retain gone up by now (Branscombe 2002On September 27 , two weeks after the attacks President Bush unveil his new plans for enhancing flight security . The outstanding points of his court , listed below , indicated a very sharp tightening of seat beltsPlacing all phases of airport and aircraft security , including passenger and luggage inspection under the control of the federal governingPass legislation allowing the FAA to create regulations providing tougher standards for all areas of airport and aircraft securityProvide nones to compensate conjure up disposals for use of National withstand personnel to patrol airportsProvide assistance to airports having problems opposition new security standardsGreatly expand the federal Air summon program , placing arm , plain clothed federal officers on more flightsMake five hundred million in grants available to the airline industry for rent and deployment of ! advanced cockpit security measures including reinforced and enlace doors , advanced electronics for observe the status of flights in progress and development of technology allowing ground controllers to take control of en riskinessed aircraft , even landing them safely under remote controlPrior to 1987 , pilots of U .S . commercial aircraft had the option of being armed while in the cockpit . The FAA revoked the right in 1987 by placing pilots and flight crews under the same pre- embarkation concealment procedures as passengers (Longley , 2001The formation of the DHS led to increase in security across a broad spectrum with air travel and immigration , which again happens nighly by means of air travel , bonny central points for up gradation . bail memorizes , body searches , baggage x rays , sniffer dogs , beard phobia and racial indite became car put , not just in the US but across the world The common perception of terrorism being bloked with Islam and the Islamic identity of the 9 /11 attackers inevitably led to travellers , who had Islamic names , being subjected to far more severe checkout counters , a lot discriminatory in characterTighter security restrictions in Britain and most(prenominal) other countries meant that airline travellers had to undergo detailed scrutiny , full and questioning appraisals , uncomfortable questions , electronic scanners metal detectors , body searches , financial backing enquiries and baggage checks wherever they went , inter topic or domestic , hapless flights or long . The plot of August 10 added another immense increase in security measures . The huge media story and eternal speculation on TV or so the ramifications of the conspiracy led to a numerate of false alarms as puff up as racist and xenophobic reactions . Harmless passengers had to get off planes because of fault find outing(prenominal) apprehensions an earlier section recounts the travails of the hapless Indian exporters at Schipho l aerodrome . The additional security measures at Hea! throw , where the security threat was particular , implicated prohibition of hand baggage and pee bottles censorious journey items needed to be in guileless flexible bags to enable simple viewing and take out for infants require discernment by mothers in front of security guardsThe proponents of intensify security were convinced about the measures and considering the enormity of the threat most newss come ined to reserve . The London media covered the episode for geezerhood and in this alarmist scenario , there were few takers for sight who talked about loss of indecorum . on that point is no doubt that lay offdom of exigency active defense As such , strong countermeasures to emf threats to freedom and self-direction are inborn to ensure that concourse can travel without fear to their destinationsTerrorist attacks also un born(p) , very probatoryly , the world tourism industry . The September 11 attacks legal injury tourism , globally the number one busin ess in hurt of turnover , geographical spread and employment very ickyly . A report of the International Labour Office (Facts on the Hotel Catering and tourism Industry 2006 ) states that some nine million workers in the global hotel and tourism economy may have lost their jobs in the wake of September 11 and the fluff downturn in 2001-2002 . The World touristry and Travel Council (Travel and touristry after September 11 2002 ) also stated as followsAccording to WTTC touristry Satellite Accounting (Travel and Tourism after September 11 2002 , research , prepared by Oxford economic divine , global demand for Travel Tourism fell by 4 .4 per cent (net revenue ) in 2001 and leave settle down by a still 3 .0 per cent in 2002 compared to our earlier forecasts . This resulted in an estimated decline in productivity homogeneous to the loss of 10 .5 million jobs over the two historic period (Travel and Tourism after September 11 2002 few countries take flight the impact of the terrorist attacks on America While most nations w! ere affected by the transcontinental plunge in tourism , the scourge affected were obviously those heavily hooked on tourism revenues . Few escaped the impact of the terrorist attacks on America . The profoundly crazy world tourism industry also put all its organizational powers at work at local anesthetic and international levels to push for greater security measuresPersonal Liberty and FreedomThe necessity for ensuring citizen rubber eraser lies primarily with the state and there is an ines able logic in the bureuacracy s argument that the golosh measures being prescribed are not of their impartful choice and making . These decisions have been thrust upon them by the actions of enemies of freedom and liberty and by taking these measures , however inconvenient , they are merely doing their duty . The debate on security necessities vis a vis personal liberties is pass to continue and dissent is count in free world democracies . Public debate is conducted these old age , thr ough on line blogs , and the researcher has taken the liberty to quote a few blogger replys from one of these bloggers areasChemical detectors may entrust , by the way , the greatest advance in counter-insurgent capabilities . Biochips forget make it possible for self-directed UAVS to seek out explosives , including those used in small arms , and chemical and biological agents . They ordain also enable the identification and signing of thousands or even millions of individuals in a monitored area based on their smellIf you address a distributed threat such as terrorism by tightening and establishing centrally imposed and managed security , you go out attain a reek of false security and crowd out the further distributed security - the individual and in the fiat umteen of the security measures we encounter on a daily basis aim pinpoint the horrifying guys by treating bothone as a suspect . The Department of fatherland Security counts on technology to come to our resc ue : databases to track hazard terrorists , facial r! ecognition to spot them in airports , hokey intelligence to anticipate plots before they unfold . But that creates a problem similar to the one you see when airport security screeners waste their time frisking false alarms Terrorists are so rare that any individual lead is almost sure as shooting a false one . So billions of dollars are blow with no assurance that any terrorist will be caught . When an airport screener confiscates a pocketknife from an innocent person , security has failedSecurity ever so involves compromises . As a society , we can have as much protection as we want , as long as we re willing to consecrate the money time , whatchamacallum , and liberties to get it . Unfortunately , most of the governing body s measures are bad trade-offs : They require significant sacrifices without providing additional safety in recollect . And there s far too much security house - ways of making people feeling safer without au hencetically astir(p) anythingThe US a t least has to pull in that for a number of years we will have to face conflicts mingled with liberty and security that did not occur before . We real did have people who were legally in the United States gentility in aircraft simulators to work out how to kill thousands of Americans . there really were terrorist cells in places manage Lackawanna Pennsylvania (White Rose , 2006The contents of the preceding(prenominal) pieces compose by various citizens underline the anguish that form people undergo in the tight squeeze between the roughshod and uncaring menace of global terrorism and the un sense of smell and studiedly effectual responses of the state apparatchik . There is an inescapable and growing feeling that most state responses are knee jerk in constitution and impractical to sustain for long periods3 . AnalysisThe world is going through extremely troubled times . Islamic boldness on a global scale has led to an enormous rise in Islamic militancy which today is th e most significant global threat . There are a number! of other revolutionary outfits in localized pockets . The Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka , the Maoists in Nepal and India s tribal tracts , the Basque revolutionaries of Spain are all capable of committing acts of terror against innocent civilians . Nevertheless , groups like Al Qaeeda al-Jihad and other Islamic militant organizations pose the most parlous security threat to citizens of democratic countries .

These groups have achieved significantly high skill levels and a pan global infrastructure that allows them to halt out sophisticated and demoniacal strikes , far away from their natural habitat and deep inside co untries that perceive them to be criminals and state enemiesThe danger is very real . The fact that these terrorists are able to strike at spots where they can maximize casualties and give the axe nuisance outrage and media reaction on a global scale is now accepted . The possibility that these targets will most unremarkably be geographically located in nations perceive to be enemies of Islam , e .g , The US , the UK , some countries of the west , Zionist Israel and Hindu India , is also very high . Aircraft and airlines are extremely unguarded because of many factors . The hustle and bustle , constant front end and dumb traffic at airports as well as the natural vulnerability of aircraft in flight make them exemplification targets . Targeting aircraft again makes eminent sense for terrorists as aviation strikes also at present affect the tourism business . Tourism is the world s largest business , and with 10 of the world being dependent upon it for their earnings , it b ecomes tyrannical for governments and business not ! to allow terrorism to intimidate travellers from passing for pleasure and obviously respond with tighter aircraft securityThe advocates for liberty have no dispute with the necessity for safety They understand , as does every other responsible citizen of the free world , the need for freedom and the necessity to have the liberty to travel at will . Their concern focuses on the basic nature of some of the measures utilize for the sake of security and their actual worth in really being able to combat terrorism . The duplicate measures implement at airports also result in much nightlong queues and prohibition on seemingly harmless items like I Pods and minor electronic equipment Considering the demands upon time in the fast-paced lives that people lead , every redundant half(prenominal) hour of postponement brings frustration and tartnessOne of the most sensitive issues concerns racial profiling . There are many who question the comprehension of being leery of people and b ecause of their origin and , furthermore , feel that such an attitude may well cause resentment and a development of sympathy for the terrorist causeThree days before last week s arrests , the highest-ranking Muslim police officer in Britain gave warning that profiling techniques based on physical appearance were already do anger and mistrust among young Muslims . Tarique Ghaffur , an assistant commissioner of the metropolitan Police , said : We must think long and sturdy about the causal factors of anger and resentment (Muslims face extra airport checks , 2006The issue of subjecting old women , pregnant mothers and young adolescents to the same restrictions as other fliers also upsets a number of people and doubts about the effectiveness or need for such strategies appear to be extremely valid . The rule requiring mothers to taste the milk they need to carry for their infants , as well as the prohibition on taking water on board aircraft appears to be in sore and an extremely u nthinking and bureaucratic response to the possibilit! y of militants carrying liquid explosivesAll boarding counters of airline companies these days posit passengers for identification s , even for domestic flights . Passengers without identification can board aircraft only after they agree to a polish off physical check of their baggage . Many people find this to be inquiring of privacy . John Gilmore of the Libertarian Party has in this connexion d a lawsuit against officials of the US government and two airline companiesAccording to Gilmore s lawsuit , the ID regulation is unconstitutional because it is unpublished requires government agents to search and seize citizens who are not suspected of crimes burdens the rights to travel , associate , and petition the government and discriminates against those who choose anonymity If we knew who the terrorists were , we could just arrest them all rather than stopping them when they try to fly he said There are many ways to disapprove terrorism , but checking IDs against a watch list is not one of them . It is an exercise in futility that provides a false sense of securityPeople in the U .S . have a right to travel and associate without being monitored or stop by their government , unless they are actually suspected or convicted of a crime , and unless that suspicion is likely said Gilmore (Advocates for egotism Government , 2006In a similar work computer programs in the US locate people boarding airplanes with one-way tickets for checks y security agencies . This information is widely cognise and obviously , sensible terrorists would be able to circumvent this check by investment in return tickets if they needed to escape detection . tautologic security measures like these and the others in place end up costing a great amount of money because of decelerate flight schedules , extra labor and other overhead cost . For object lesson , a disproportionate share-65 percent-of the funds spent on fatherland security in the United States goes toward aviation s ecurity alone , leaving many fewer resources for meas! ures at the ports , bs and on mass transit (Eland , 2005 ) The government has thus actually started considering whether it is unavoidable to stop people from carrying tweezers and call for clippers on board aircraft and whether it makes any sense to continue at all with rules like these that were kind of ludicrous in the first placeCitizens and passengers do not appear to be against aviation security measures . Their concern and ire rests with the inappropriateness of the chosen measures and the lack of thought and planning that appears to have gone into their formulation and implementation . Many of these measures are quite pointless and apart from causing a great deal of inconvenience and personal embarrassments do not contribute to up(p) security at all4 . Summary and ConclusionThe war on terrorism has many facets . Some of these are overtly aggressive like the wars in Afghanistan and the Iraq , the taming of Libyan leader Gaddafi as well as the hunt for Osama bin Laden . So me are again inherently defensive and involve the guarding of vital installations as well as the protection of citizens while they are assiduous in their daily life . Both of these functions are essential and will continue for years , in what appears to be just the approach stage of a long conflictThe protection of aircraft , airports and immediate passengers are necessary defensive strategies that will need implementation with hypermetropy thought and care . These must necessarily include the investigating of every possible avenue as well as the adoption of measures that would appear to be logically necessary . The legal comm genius of terrorist caused mishaps in the United States after September 11 , as well as the foiling of the London plot is common mood of the significant successes achieved by the governments of the regular army and the UK in protecting their citizens from fearful crimes . It is but right that citizens give notice these happenings and realize that many of the measures follow are yielding results . In co! ntrast , we have the example of Mumbai where terrorist attacks have happened with regularity over the last ten years and the civil administration and police appear helpless in stopping the tide of violenceIn free democracies , popular opinion and the media will always have views on the correctness , or otherwise , of measures adopted by the government and , furthermore , on many occasions these will be very valid In times of emergencies and grave national threat there is always the danger of people in governance to assume mindsets of compulsive knowledge and this is where the danger lies . If governments and restrictive bodies listen to the concerns of citizens with sensitivity and receptivity , most of these conflicts will disappear away and it will be possible to fight the terrorists with unity . Governments , regulatory authorities , citizens action groups and the media will be then able to join work force to rid the world of the terrorist threatReferencesAdvocates for Self Government (2006 ) John Gilmore Libertarian , October 16 2006 functional at : web .theadvocates .org /celebrities /john-gilmore .htmlArena K (2006 ) terror plot leaves Britain on highest fresh , CNN .com October 10 2006 on tap(predicate) at entanglement .cnn .com /2006 /WORLD /atomic number 63 /08 /11 /terror .plot /index .htmlBranscomb , L .M (2002 , Science and engineering for Homeland Security The National academy , October 10 2006 available at HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol / vane7 .nationalacademies .org /ocga /testimony /Homeland_Security_Weap ons_Mass_Destruction .asp hypertext transfer protocol /network7 .nationalacademies .org /ocga /testimony /Homeland_Security_Weapo ns_Mass_Destruction .aspChronology of Terror (2001 ) CNN .com October 10 2006 Available at HYPERLINK http / web .cnn .com /2001 /US /09 /11 /chronology .attack web .cnn .com /2001 /US /09 /11 /chronology .attackEland , I (2005 , Time to streamline burdensome airport security , The self-reliant Institute , October 16 , 2006 , Available at web .i! ndependent .org /newsroom /article .asp ?id 1550 -Homeland Security (2006 , The White House , October 10 2006 HYPERLINK http /www .whitehouse .gov /infocus / country of origin /index .html http /www .whitehouse .gov /infocus /homeland /index .htmlHomeland Security (2006 ) USDHS , October 10 2006 Available at HYPERLINK http /www .dhs .gov /dhspublic http /www .dhs .gov /dhspublic /Muslims face extra airport checks , 2006 , Skeptico , October 16 , 2006 Available at : skeptico .blogs .com /skeptico /2006 /08 /muslims_face_ex .htmlRubin , C .B and Renta-Tanali , I (2001 ) The tourist Attacks on September 11 , 2001 , Natural Hazards Research and performance Information Center October 10 2006 Available at www .colorado .edu /hazards /qr /qr140 /qr140 .htmlSchelke , R .W , Terrorism vs . Tourism (2001 ) World Economic discussion , October 10 2006 Available at HYPERLINK http /www .sonic .net schuelke /TerrorismVsTourism .html www .sonic .net schuelke /TerrorismVsTourism .htmlHYPERLINK Suarez , R (2002 , October . The More Things Stay the aforesaid(prenominal) September 11 and Its provoke . Public Management , 84 , 6 . October 10 2006 Available at Questia database http /www .questia .com /PM .qst ?a o d Suarez , R (2002 October . The More Things Stay the Same : September 11 and Its Wake Public Management , 84 , 6 . October 10 2006 , Available at Questia database : http /www .questia .com /PM .qst ?a o dTravel and Tourism after September 11 (2002 , World Tourism and Travel Council , Retrieved October 10 2006 Available at HYPERLINK http /www .wttc .org /publications /pdf /PP04-9 202002 .pdf www .wttc .org /publications /pdf /PP04-9 202002 .pdfWhite Rose (2006 ) Security Archives , October 10 , 2006 , Available at whiterose .samizdata .net /archives /securityPAGEPAGE 18Liberty and Security - Aircraft Security Policy ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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