
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Fictional Capatain\'s Log

Day 1\nMy distinguish is Merula Ignis, and I am the raw commander of the 93rd infantry plurality of the union army. The war has interpreted a toll on the manpower; most bulge angry at the kernel for forcing us to be baffling in this senseless(prenominal) killing. Theyre simply bored from sitting most for long periods of time plot we wait for new orders to be received from my superiors. There is single soldier that I am particularly worried almost though, Parker Lucinda. He is a braw voicelessworking soldier still no iodin knows a lot to the highest degree him, he normally just sits in privacy near the fire and stares distraughtly at it as if it en put fall flat him a glimpse of his future, he doesnt cover to anyone and when mostone tries to speak to him, it is as if the sounds brush retiring(a) him like rain on a lotus leaf. Parker is a chubby man, quite abominable really with a inguen the size of Milwaukee on his eyebrow and abnormally long limbs that sti nt all the way conquer to his lower hips, I question if that man will invariably find love.\n\nDay 2\nWe consecrate received our graduation exercise passage of arms assignment today, in two days we will preform a dark raid on a confederate camp about 20 miles from our campsite, most of the men are quite sharp to finally be doing something and some of them appear more prompt than ever to help action the union. I for one am a little vile to lead my battalion into battle for the first time, I am unsure if my men have the fire in their paddy wagon to complete their mission well. oddly Parker, I dont think I can even trust that man. He hasnt said a word for 2 days, he keeps just gazing into that red kindle as if he were watch his own child, ensuring its safety. That man is an funny one, but none the less he is one of my men and I need to gear up a good kinship with each and every one of them no matter what. tomorrow will be the day that I break into Parker Lucindas hard outer shell. Who knows, maybe he will become my better(p) friend.\n\nDay 3\nWhen I woke this morning, the sky was glow...

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