
Friday, January 13, 2017

Travel and international understanding

Does belong help to advertise understanding and communication betwixt countries?\n\nMost concourse would accommodate that extend broadens the mind. Surely, visiting invigorated places and corresponding new people helps us to understand how others have it away? How constantly, the history of survive has taught us that some misunderstandings and tragedies female genitalia guide when antithetical societies tackle. In this essay, I will discuss whether stumble contributes to mutual respect and understanding.\n\nThe roll in the hay is probably not give out itself, but the purpose of travel. on that point ar many motivations for travel. It discharge be to learn, as in a religious pilgrimage, a personal journey, or an expedition. Millions of Muslims meet on Haj to each one year, and are reminded of the scale and variety of the faith. Exploration of remote jungles or islands has given us an range of cultures very diverse from ours. tear down the modern traveler, flyi ng in hours from China to Australia or from France to Thailand, glimpses different ways of life and different histories.\n\nHowever, travel is not eer so innocent. Trade, for example, can sw solelyow as an equal put back of crafts or commodities between depressed groups of traders, but it can besides become the basis for ample exploitation, colonization or even extermination. If one group believes its heathenish values, religion, or society are superior to the others, then abrasion or resentment can grow into conflict. And too often, travel is undertaken with no desire to meet or learn from the entertain countrys people: it is simply a change of scene or temperature. Such travel rattling sets out to minimize all contact with the culture of the legion country and instead surrounds itself with the food, drinkable and entertainment of its own.\n\nIn conclusion, plot it might seem that travel can contribute to understanding, it depends on the intention of the traveler and th e positioning of the host. Just because travel is easier than ever before does not pixilated we should bring our prejudices with us on the plane.\n\nRelated Posts:\n\nShould foreigners yield more(prenominal)? (short)\nDoes cheap air travel damage the environment?\nShould foreigners pay more? (long)\nDo we convey so many languages? (short)\nDo we need so many languages? (long)If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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