
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Types of Journeys

I would commencement exercise like to start by welcoming you all to the annual Youth Convention. Its a great pleasure and innocence to be invited here today. I am here to rebuke to you rough the concept of gos and to section my thoughts and knowledge about gos. What argon journeys? Who goes on journey? Well, what do you think a journey is? The word journey content many things. Each mortal has their own soulfulnessal comment of the word journey. My personal definition of journey is the act of travelling from wiz place to other or going from unmatchable stage to another whether it be physically, ghostlyly, emotionally, mentally or culturally. Everyone goes on journeys, they atomic number 18 everywhere. Just put there think for a signification. Is there anyone you know that hasnt gone on a journey? No one goes on the same journey every journey is divers(prenominal) as every person is different!\nThere ar 5 main(prenominal) types of journeys. These are. natural j ourneys which involve physical obstacles and crusade to new places from physical journeys mint learn to a greater extent about themselves and the world surrounding them. home(a) journeys which are about self-exploration, the main goal of these journey s are to challenge the somebody and for the person to learn more about themselves possibility to improve themselves. Imaginative journeys take an singular from reality and transfer us into different world that alto formher exists in our minds. Spiritual journeys are about reconciliation and study thought enlightenment. For each person that goes on a sacred journey it is a moment for self-discovery, learning more ground more about matinee idol the world and themselves. Each spiritual journey is alone(p), as everyone is unique and different. Emotional journeys are moments in life that you go through with(predicate) several emotions.\nThe different types of journeys provide people to learn and catch themselves and the world around them better. Journeys in addition give people the luck to challenge themselves physically,...If you want to get a full essay, run it on our website:

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